Wolfgang Jordan

Quellentexte zur Firma Josef Steiner & Söhne, Laupheim

Laupheimer Werkzeugfabrik

The International Exhibition of 1862.
The Illustrated Catalogue of the Industrial Department

VOL. IV. Foreign Division
Printed for Her Majesty's Commissioners
London 1862, Seite 157/158

2723. STEINER, Jos.; manu. of tools for
joiners and carpenters, Laupheim, Agt. s.
No. 2712
[The Württemberg Trading Company at Stuttgart,
represented by Sam. Sessing, 10 Huggin-Lane,
Wood-street, Cheapside, E. C.].

No. 1. trying plane, South-Germany-fashion 2 sh. 6 d.;
No. 2. double plane do. 1 sh. 6 d.;
No. 3. long plane do. 10 d.;
No. 4. round, nose plane do. 9 1/2 d.;
No. 5. "Putzhobel" 1 sh. 5 d.;
No. 6. toothing plane do. 1 sh.;
No. 7. compass plane do. 1 sh.;
No. 8. do. double 1 sh. 8 d.;
No. 9. fillister to change side, double 3 sh. 1 1/2 d.;
No. 10. plough with boxwood screws 4 sh. 1 d.;
No. 11. plough with iron screws, North-Germany-fashion 6 sh. 8 d.;
No. 12. do. for glaziers 2 sh. 11 d.;
No. 13. notching plane 3 sh. 4 d.;
No. 14. dove-tail plane 2 sh. 3 d.;
No. 15. skew rabbit plane 8 1/2 d.;
No. 16. moulding plane 8 1/2 d.;
No. 17. rabbit plane 1 sh. 7 d.;
No. 18. do. 2 sh.;
No. 19. double moulding plane 2 sh.;
No. 20. hollow plane 8 d.;
No. 21. round plane 8 d.;
No. 22. round plane, North-Germany-fashion 8 d.;
No. 23. cornice do. 8 d.;
No. 24. trying plane, North-Germany-fashion 2 sh. 8 d.;
No. 25. double plane do. 1 sh. 7 d.;
No. 26. long plane do. 11 d.;
No. 27. round nose plane do. 10 d.;
No. 28. "Putzhobel" do. 1 sh. 6 d.;
No. 29. toothing plane do. 1 sh. 1 d.;
No. 30. fillister for glaziers 9 1/2 d.;
No. 31. do. South-Germany-fashion 9 1/2 d.;
No. 32. fillister for glaziers 11 d.;
No. 33. double moulding plane, North-Germany-fashion 2 sh.;
No. 34. compass double do. 1 sh. 9 d.;
No. 35. notching plane, to changed, wooden garniture North-Germany-fashion 3 sh. 11 d.;
No. 36. plough with boxwood screws, North-Germany-fashion 6 sh.;
No. 37. grooving plane to be changed, with boxwood screws 6 sh. 6 d.;
No. 38. "Gargelhobel" Rhenish fashion 3 sh. 11 d.;
No. 39. do. to be changed 3 sh. 11 d.;
No. 40. "Einschnitthobel" for coopers 3sh. 11 d.;
No. 41. notching plane 2 sh. 10 d.;
No. 42. plough, Dutch fashion 5 sh.;
No. 43. fillister for glaziers 5 sh.;
No. 44. "Zahnleistenhobel" 4 sh.;
No. 45. "Jalousiehobel" to be changed 7 sh.;
No. 46. saw for cutting grooves fa. A. 8 d.;
No. 47. marking gauge 4 1/2 d.;
No. 48. "Faustsäge" 3 ft. 1 sh. 5 d.;
No. 49. "Absatzsäge" 2 1/2 ft. 1 sh 5 d.;
No. 50. "Lochsäge" with polished handle 4 1/2 d.;
No. 51. "Fidibushobel" 1 sh.;
No. 52. hold fast 3 in. 4 1/2 d.;
No. 53. do. 4 in. 5 d.;
No. 54. do. 5 in. 5 1/2 d.;
No. 55. shooting board 5 sh. 10 d.;
No. 56. "Zündhölzchenhobel" 5 sh. 10 d.;
No. 57. round hobel for cart-wrights 4 sh. 2 d.;
No. 58. stock and bit with springs Ia. 8 sh. 4 d.;
No. 59. stock and bit with conical hafts 2 sh. 11 d.;
No. 60. "Lederhobel", to be changed 3 sh. 4 d.;
No. 61. pastrain, sweep plane, Paris fashion 2 sh. 11 d.;
No. 62. notching-plane 8 1/2 d.;
No. 63. hollow-plane No. 7. 10 d.;
No. 64. router plane with 2 irons 2 sh. 2 d.;
No. 65. "Putzhobel" 4 sh.;
No. 66. "Putzhobel" 3 sh. 8 d.;
No. 67. hand-saw 10 d.;
No. 68. "Schittersäge" for wood cutters 2 sh. 1 d.;
No. 69. "Schweifsäge" 1 sh. 3 d.;
No. 70. 71. 2 pieces of cornice planes, Engl. fashion p. piece 1 sh. 3 d.;
No. 72. round nose plane, Engl. fashion 1 sh.;
No. 73. long plane 1 sh. 1 d.;
No. 74. double plane 1 sh. 9 d.;
No. 75. compass double 3 sh.;
No. 76. toothing plane 1 sh. 3 d.;
No. 77. trying plane, double 2 sh. 8 d.;
No. 78. rabbit plane 1 sh. 8 d.;
No. 79. grooving and tongue-plane 3 sh.;
No. 80. "Winkelhobel" 2 sh. 8 d.;
No. 81. plough, Engl. fashion 16 sh. 8 d.;
No. 82. notching plane 14 sh. 10 d.;
No. 83. marking gauge f. A. 4 1/2 d.;
No. 84. do. f. B. 4 1/2 d.;
No. 85. Bogen-Zirkel for coopers 2ft. 2 sh. 6 d.;
No. 86. compass to be changed 4 sh.;
No. 87. plough for cart wrights 8 sh. 4 d.;
No. 88. "Putzhobel" 6 sh. 8 d.;
No. 89. a pair of grooving and tongue planes 9 sh. 4 d.;
No. 90. "Salztenne" 1 sh. 5 d.;
No. 91. "Mehltenne" 2 sh. 9 d.;
No. 92. saw-frame 6 d.;
No. 93. 3 pieces of squares p. 3 pieces 5 d.;
No. 94. 1 do. p. piece 2 d.;
No. 95. 1 do. p. piece 3 d.
12 mitre-squares p. doz. 3 sh. 4 d.;
10 do. 2 sh. 4 d.;
7/12 doz. do. 5 sh. 4 d.;
1/6 do. 7 sh. 4 d.;
1/6 do. 7 sh.;
1/3 do. 4 sh. 8 d.;
1/3 do 4 sh.;
1/12 do.; 2 sh. 4 d.;
all p. doz.

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Exposition Universelle a Paris

Liste générale des récompenses decernées par le jury international

Paris 1867, Seite 288


Steiner et fils. Laupheim. - Outils. (CL. 54)...Wurtemberg.

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